Today is the third day of the webinar for the Dream Village Library Exhibition which held at the secretariat of Rumah Relawan Remaja. Just like the previous day, the webinar was presented by three extraordinary speakers from 09.00 to 11.00 WIB. The webinar’s theme is still the same as the previous theme, namely “Alternative Education”.
Today’s webinar (Wednesday, 14/7) is presented directly by the dream teachers of Rumah Relawan Remaja. They are volunteers (dream teachers) who directly studying with the local children and assist the community in their placement. in this webinar, dream teachers share their interesting experiences while in the village. The three dream teachers include Riska Malda Phonna, Nurul Muntaway, and Rian Maulana. The moderator of this webinar is also a Literacy Activist, namely Ms. Nurhayatul Ulfah. Webinar participants varied widely from the tip of Sabang to Merauke, which was attended by up to 70 participants. Not only webinars, just like before, this time there are also give away for participants.
Rizka Malda, a dream teacher from batch 4 and batch 5, explained more about the definition of a dream teacher. According to Kak Rizka, the dream teacher is not only a teacher who teaches, but also learns from the local children who are also still learning. Here, the dream teacher must hear the child’s complaints, desires, and their desires for things that can make them better and developed, in other words, what the dream teacher teaches is in accordance with the interests and talents of the child, not only teaching but also developing their potential. Becoming a dream teacher is absolutely put yourself differently from a formal school teacher which means that the dream teacher themselves acts as a learning partner for students. Becoming a volunteer (dream teacher) is also put yourself in the learning prosses by being involved in the life of the community like do what they do.
The second speaker was Ms. Nurul Muntaway, the 5th batch of dream teacher, Ms. Nurul explained about the problems of that children faced during the teaching and learning process in the village. In the placement villages there are children with various types of learning and there are also children with various types of problems. There are children who are so easy to join in learning without having to be forced or special approach. There are also children whose dream teacher has to be carefully approach so that the child wants to learn. For example, children who do not want to study in public, a dream teacher needs to find out why the child does not want to study in public or with his friends. With the approach taken by the dream teacher, eventually the child from being shy or not daring will slowly change and wants to learn. When we go to the village, we must be more sensitive to the condition of the children. We, as dream teachers, provide a place to be a friend so that they can study, share complaints, and be more comfortable in the learning and teaching process.
The speaker for the third webinar was Rian Maulana, one of the dream teachers of the 5th batch. Kak Rian himself explained about the adaptation process with the community. Some things that a dream teacher (volunteer) must master include being proactive and communicative, being collaborative, learn local languages, live in, and being humble. Becoming a dream teacher is not just a teacher for students in the classroom, but also a person who can work with the community starting from the initial adaptation process until live in with the local community. Being a volunteer must have down-to-earth attitude in collaborating with all people from various circles. We position ourselves as mediator or neutral without taking sides. So that we can be well-received and can achieve our dreams and goals together.
written by Mina