Archive For The “Uncategorized” Category

Every step we take to get out of our comfort zone will open the door to new experiences and provide space to grow and develop our potential. The same thing happened to me, as a person who is rarely involved in social activities, when I decided to become a volunteer at the “6th Dream Village…

“Amazing, we could see a lot of creative work! “Inspiring activity. Extraordinary literacy strenthening! “Exciting festival. Many people came and join us! “Unique and educative activity. May 3R always be successful These were some short sentences that I read from the many sheets of sticky notes stuck to the board “Impressions after visiting the Dream…

Lapeng is one of the remote villages in Pulo Aceh, Aceh Besar District. I was in Lapeng village, the people’s daily life here is fishing and farming. Lapeng was the 5th village for my placement as a Dream Teacher volunteer. On May 15, 2022, we departed from the Peace Volunteer Centre (3R) to Pulo…

Monday morning, June 27, 2022, we as 3R volunteers gathered with great enthusiasm. This morning, we talked a book about permaculture. We were reviewing this book because it is related to the desire to learn and practice more about sustainable agriculture. Uma, as the trigger for discussion as well…

Hi everyone! Back again with Sonia’s writing. This time, I wanted to share my story during the preparation for the Dream Village Library Festival in Baling Karang Village, a remote village in Aceh Tamiang Regency. The preparation for this event was not much different from the preparation for the festival in the previous…

Registration Step Filling out the registration form & sent to email with subject Registration Peace Camp 2022 Pay the activity fee of Rp. 250,000 through BCA Account 0431010444 in the name of Rumah Relawan Remaja. Proof of activity fee transfer can be sent via WhatsApp number 082279584692 (Uma) If you have any questions,…