About Us

Peace Volunteer Centre

Peace Volunteer Centre or Rumah Relawan Remaja (3R) is a community with peaceful approaches that works for humanity. This community was founded by Perdana Romi Saputra in 2013.

3R community has various social projects to enlighten life with pleasant concept and easy to applied in daily activity. The purpose of this community is to establish group of volunteers that can create most valuable impact towards justice and peaceful life.


The programs of 3R:


Disaster and Emergency Conflict Response

The goal of this program is to compose tough volunteers who give some of their time to improve life skill in major emergencies act as volunteer. They are directed to come to disaster/conflict area and see the scene of destruction. By doing this, this community can provide service and psychological supports to ease the burden of victims.

There are some of Disaster and Emergency Conflict Response programs that have been carried out, such as:

2004: Tsunami Emergency Response and Service in Banda Aceh

2006: Earthquake Emergency Response and Service in Bantul

2009: Earthquake Emergency Response and Service in Padang Pariaman

2010: Earthquake Emergency Response and Service in Mentawai

2013: Earthquake Emergency Response and Service in Takengon

2018: Relief Emergency Response for refugees in Rohingya, Bangladesh

2019: Earthquake Emergency Response and Service in Palu, Sulawesi


Dream Village Library Program

This is one of learning program in 3R as alternative for those who wants to learn in whatever condition they are. In 2016, this program has started in remote area after disaster attacked Aceh Province. And until now, Dream Village Library covered Bah and Serempah (Kab. Aceh Tengah), Lapeng (Pulo Aceh, Kab. Aceh Besar), Klieng Cot Aron (Kab. Aceh Besar), Sarah Baru (Kab. Aceh Selatan) dan Balingkarang (Kab. Aceh Tengah).

Dream Village Library provides some learning facility such as tiny library with numerous reading books. There is also Dream Teachers, a group of educative and interactive volunteers to facilitate learning needs. Within this 3 years, Dream Village Library developed various course classification; such as Basic Reading for kids, Advanced Reading, Writing and also Traditional Arts, Craft, and Photography course. In addition, photography course and sewing are available for young people and mothers.


Peace Camp

Peace Camp is a living practical with others focus on exploring human condition reaches beyond condition to continue to grow against capitalism. This program carried out in detached area with many activities such as School of Peace, be a member of local community, build a small library, make traditional sport competition, dancing and party with youth people, and taking care of each other and environment. This program started on 2007 with annually different ideas.


Peace School

Peace School is a learning activity for kids and young people. For them to encourage themselves to be loving, kind, and compassionate persons. So they can live their life full of harmony


Peace Library

Peace Library has two types of activity, namely:

  1. Develop the main library at 3R Base Camp, Jl. Peukan Bada, Aceh Besar, as alternatively learning auxiliary for local community. This library is open for public from Monday-Friday (09.00-17.00 WIB). Anyone can borrow books in this library.
  2. Collect donation and books.


3R Extra-Class

It is an extended learning program in 3R.  It carry out free English class for elementary and high school student. And also, a Sign Language class is started regularly since 2019.


Community Sharing

Nobody can debate the benefit of sharing. This activity let the people from different background learn valuable social skill and can share the experience to others. This sharing activity is held once a month with various topics.


Giving scholarship opportunity for low income student and family to get the best education access.


Wood Craving

Learning opportunities by making woodcraft in 3R workshops with fun and creative technics.


3R Social Enterprise

3R is a social community so that it also develops social entrepreneurship to gain independences skill for the local. 3R Social Enterprise program produce create handicraft such cloth pads, wallets, brooches, and key chains. Furthermore, this program also conducted a social entrepreneur project by subletting Hanbok, a traditional costume from South Korea. The profit is used for buying books.


Photo activity in Filckrhttps://www.flickr.com/photos/127459011@N04/albums