Webinar Series 2 of The Dream Village Library Virtual Exhibition

The virtual exhibition of the Dream Village Library is still being held today (Tuesday, 13/7) with various events at the secretariat of Rumah Relawan Remaja (3R) in Lam Lumpu village, Peukan Bada, Aceh Besar district.

Today is the second day of the virtual exhibition which is filled with the 2nd Series of webinars with the same theme, namely “Alternative Education” which is filled with extraordinary presenters from various alternative educational backgrounds. The first speaker was presented by Nanda Rahmat Anwar. Bang Nanda is an alumni of dream teacher from Rumah Relawan Remaja batch 1 and 2 in 2016-2018. He is also the Coordinator of the Kampung Impian Library since 2018 until now. Bang Nanda explained about teaching and learning activities carried out in the villages where the Dream Village Library is located, which consists of 6 villages in 4 districts of Aceh Province. During the teaching and learning process of PKIP program, the dream teacher (volunteer) lives with the local community for one month. The dream teachers accompany and adapt to the local community and are involved in various activities. The learning process with students consists of various activities. The teaching and learning process are divided into three groups, namely Basic Reading Class, Advanced Reading Class, and Writing Class. Basic Reading Class consists of children who do not know letters and cannot read yet. Advanced Reading Class consists of children who can read but are not fluent. Writing class consists of children who can read but cannot develop their imagination in writing. In addition to basic reading, advanced and writing classes, there are also Arts and Culture classes, Craft Classes, Photography Classes and Classes fro Adults.

The second speaker was Kak Yosefa Anandita, a volunteer from the Papua Hei community. Kak Yosefa teaches in one of the villages, precisely in Serui. from the teaching and learning process, they specifically learn about calistung (read, write, count) which consists of three levels, namely level 1is learning to read, level two is understanding reading, and level 3 is learning to count. Each student is categorized according to their ability.  

According to Yosefa, alternative education means a large number of programs or ways to empower students that are carried out differently from the traditional way. Papua Hey itself means calling the papuans. This means that this community invites and accepts all who want to learn together. There are several approaches used in the Papua Hei community, including subjectivity or student’s centered, paying great attention to students, parents/families and students. In addition, it is also developed based on interests and their experiences. Here, Ms. Yosefa also explained that alternative education is not a substitute for formal schooling. Papua Hei’s has a vision of bringing together Papuan children to learn together in the community. The second is developing their potential and talents of children according to their talents and interests. The third is to help locals fulfilling every need in realizing their potential and talents through the facilities and infrastructure sought by Papua Hei Community. Kak Yosefa also explained that to become a volunteer (dream teacher), it is important to have inner desire, commitment to accompanying children in alternative education with all their heart.

The third speaker is Kak Lily Yulianti, the founder of the Makassar International Writers Festival, who is now living in Australia. Lily, who has experience as a mentor in various volunteer activities, explained that not only students need to be understood about alternative education, but also the teacher.

Today’s virtual webinar session was attended by up to 72 participants from various backgrounds from all over the country.




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