The children started to arrive and formed several lines. They try to be lined up as possible with various ice breaking, such as applause, Pat one and "Hello-hi". Fortunately, they are very excited to follow the various instructions of the volunteers of the Rumah Volunteer Youth (3R) on Sunday, March 24, 2019 implementing the Peace School or school of peace which is often implemented by the 3R community from ACEH to Victims of disasters or conflicts and those in isolated villages.
The School of Peace that is held for children in the village of Salua which is one of the areas affected by the earthquake in central Sulawesi is running very smoothly. Not only the children who seemed to enjoy, but the volunteers who played together. Since the activities that started with the song Hello Song, Aram Sha-sha as well as the game "find Friends" to make origami heart-shaped, clamor was heard from one of the SD rooms. Salua area of 4 x 8 meters. There are several obstacles in organizing children whose number reaches 70 children, but the spirit of volunteering makes the duration of the activities to feel fast walking. Until finally two hours passed. Activities must also be terminated, after the distribution of gifts from children from South Korea and shared photographs.
"I love playing with kids," says Husen who is one of the volunteers of the Peace school this time. Students who are still sitting in semester 8 English language department Tadulako suggests that while volunteering for the School of Peace, he can finally feel that organizing children who are slightly more difficult than arranging hundreds of Students. "Here also I learned that I have to go a lot more down in society," said Husen during the session of evaluation of the peace school activities.
The activities of the Peace school which is a follow-up activity that has also been held in the village of Salua in the year 2018 is relatively short. Nevertheless, there are many lessons that we get. In addition, the relationship with people in the village of Salua becomes familiar.