Technical Guidance Meeting on Strengthening Literacy Competence for Tutors and Volunteers in Aceh

written by Kasumah

The volunteers of the Peace Volunteer Centre (3R) went through many learning processes. Not only at the 3R secretariat and in various remote villages but also at various training invitations. One of them was in the Technical Guidance Meeting for Strengthening Literacy Competence for Tutors and Volunteers in Aceh.

This event was held from 17-21 November 2020 at the BP Paud and Diknas Aceh office. A total of 40 participants representing their respective TBMs (public libraries) in several Aceh regions participated in this activity. The 40 participants were further divided into two groups, namely PAUD or TK (formal school) teachers and then representatives from TBM (non-formal activities).

In this activity, we received several important materials related to strengthening education which is now rife as learning 4.0 in the 21st century. In this material, it was conveyed that during this pandemic, everything has indeed changed the physicality of our culture. Therefore, every cultural movement has fully involved the role of technology simultaneously for Indonesian society. Teachers who have never previously had contact with the zoom meeting application are now required to jump into this field.

“Freedom in learning in the 4.0 era” is an effort made by the government to form students to have global knowledge, have critical reasoning and have noble morals. In fact, mastery of technology is the main path to global understanding without neglecting local wisdom. Every material in this class was always accompanied by a group presentation. Group formation was not without reason. This was done not only for teamwork skills but also to familiarize tutors with speaking and thinking critically. Because before inviting global knowledgeable students, tutors must first learn the basic practices of technology 4.0.


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