Lapeng Beach
Oh… Beach, lots of corals, also many beautiful fish
Every day I go to the beach
Lapeng Beach is very beautiful
I really like the beach Lapeng
There is a port, there is also a "boat"
The beach is very beautiful, not second to none
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That is one of the poems works students of the library Program Kampung Impian Dedi Saputra wrote that was recorded in the work of Anak Pustaka Kampung Impian. The children's work is a few simple works of children from the villages of Lapeng and Rinon in Pulo Aceh, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, the village of Baling Karang in Aceh Tamiang District, and the village of Bah and Serempah in central Aceh district.
Writing a poem that is according to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) V as a material in the language whose form is selected and carefully arranged so as to sharpen the awareness of people's life experience and generate special responses through sound arrangement, Special rhythm and meaning are used as one of imagninasi development methods in the Pustaka Kampung Impian program. The teachers of Dreams; The mention to volunteer this program, using a method of writing poetry to further liberate the imagination of village children portrays various things that are poured in the form of poetry. Call it for example, they finally describe the beauty of the village and the family circumstances. Although most with the rhyme are not tied, but their simple work creates a special meaning, according to the definition of poetry of the KBBI V.
Dedi Saputra and the other village children whose work was recorded by the Youth Volunteer House (3R) are evidence of the imagination of the village's children who continue to be developed through the Pustaka Kampung Impian program.
This work of the children's Library of Dreams not only displays the writings in the form of poetry. In the end we will enthusiastically welcome and read the work of the humble children of the village, but give birth to admiration.