Islam is the largest religion in Indonesia. ACEH is an icon of Indonesian Islamic equivalent with the title Serambi Mecca. Have you ever crossed our minds as to why the Acehnese called?. In addition to ACEH was the first time the Islamic Da'wah began with the existence of the Islamic Government of Samudera Pasai in North Aceh, Aceh called the foyer of Mecca because of a special place in Rubiah Island. Rubiah Island, one of the tourist destinations in Sabang, holds a hajj quarantine place that has existed since Dutch colonial era.
It is said that the leprosy was the most feared thing in the whole world. So anyone who will or just return home from abroad must follow the quarantine first. All Indonesian pilgrims, who at that time for the hajj must use sea vessels for many days. Before departure, the pilgrims through the quarantine period. After that, the same thing was done, when it was proved safe from the leprosy transmission, then the congregation was repatriated to the area. Because of this, the name of the porch of Mecca is attached to ACEH.
The Hajj quarantine location in Rubiah Island is a large building built by the Dutch with rooms that can accommodate hundreds of Indonesian pilgrims. The building was magnificent at that time. Inversely proportional to what is left at this time. The Hajj quarantine building located in the middle of the island of Rubiah seems unmanicured even the access road to it also feels creepy. This forgotten historical site leaves only an empty building with five large rooms, dirty toilets behind the building, hollow roofs and dense forests surrounding the building. Invisible Gatekeeper or guardian who is ready to explain the history of the building to visitors.
From some sources of articles on the internet found, some even mentioned that the existing building is a new building that was built to replace the original building that was already badly damaged and impossible to visit. In fact, as a place that has a great history for Indonesia, the tourism agency or other relevant Dinas under the Government's settings can provide treatment on important historical sites. Moreover, Hajj quarantine building in Rubiah Island is a foundation of Hajj dormitory formation throughout Indonesia.
Written by Nourica Hastuti