Six teachers from the 2018-2019 Dream Village Library in the orientation of the curriculum held from 10-14 September 2018 at the secretariat of the Youth Volunteer House (3R) at Peukan Bada. One of the material in the curriculum's orientation is Storytelling. The "Storytelling" material is filled by Gracia and Novi who are members of the Aceh fairy tale Village (KaDo).
Gracia and Novi began sharing by exposing that the goal of "Storytelling" is to convey moral (something good) to children so it is necessary to have fun storytelling techniques.
"To tell the fun it needs to start from yourself, to be a fun person, have the readiness to tell stories and tell the story and style of storytelling for the audience," said Gracia.
Therefore, Gracia and Novi also shared elements of style in delivering the story according to Kendal Haven which includes elements of sound style e.g. voice intonation, sound variation as well as character and elements of fiscal style that include gestures or gestures as well as Expression.
As an exercise, dream teachers practice voice intonation with a variety of characters, such as grandfathers, grandmothers, moms and dads. In addition, both the speakers challenged the dream teachers with stories that were serialized and spontaneous.
These "Storytelling" materials need to be learnt deeper by the teachers ' dreams because while they are in villages they interact with children. With the application of material "storytelling," The Dream teachers will show you a good method of conveying good things anyway.