Twelve years ago was the beginning for them to be rediscovered as volunteers. The meeting nobody knew. However, with the same goal, the same ideals have unified them in a space of excitement to fight.
Aceh Peace Camp is a designation for humanity volunteers. School of Peace for the education of children in the interior of ACEH and to self-reflection that life is not only about me or you. That life is about us who need a helping hand of others.
2007 is a time when ACEH is still in the grief of conflict and tsunami trauma. Acehnese people mourn. Access life seemed to stop. We are independent in the written sense. However, the heart and soul and the void of knowledge cannot afford to care for the wound. The unstained children did not become anything to himself, had no shadows of their dreams. Although there are, how about their steps that are hindered distance? When we realize that the great opportunities are those of the inland children, we only need another step to stand upright together in the equality row of rights.
That night was filled with people who brought along past stories to be remembered again. This is why an important remeeting is done. They took the story to become the next generation role model. Not only just sit and enjoy a varied dinner dish, but also to waving a new flavor with memories of the past.
One by one invited guests comes with a casual costume wrap and eye-catching. All eye-catching trinkets are ready with additional spotlights. Some of them are panicked with simple, intagramable background display and kece. While others put a high tone of voice when meeting his old friend, while running small then embraced. These cheerful faces are clearly described in a colourful setting of the typical child of the city.
Twelve generations of guests in one night, devouring every memory that he felt needed to be revealed. The stories were one by one revealed in a conversing event. While eating soft pink dishes is more appealing to make a familiarity, although some of them are still reluctant to meet.
Some games increasingly captivate the guests to just laugh off when their answers are wrong. Hysterical screams as they disrupt the game as well as, small jumps when their answers are right. All series of events have been prepared in hopes that this will be part of a cross-generation hospitality relationship.
One by one face of various ages can be a picture that our different can be unified for one reason. That with this, at least we have risen from old-time regret, that today at least we have done something. This civilization belongs to people who are not merely having to think of themselves, but how it can be useful to others.
We hope that this reunion is not just a review of the success that has ever been done. Through this activity, everything can be better, how this program can run until today will be the motivation for us together. Especially for the first people involved in it. They were the ones who had been breaking the door of the impossibility and this reunion was how it all could walk.
Thank you for coming, at the reunion we held on November 1, 2019, last week.
Written by Kasumah