Learning is not only reasoned for clever but also to keep the Lord's gift of thinking ability. Being aware of each child's thinking skills, the Dream Village library teachers tell the children in Balingkarang village about the children of Rohingya. The master Library of the Dream Village tells the story of the sons of Rohingya who have no citizenship that continues to struggle to live and learn.
After hearing the story and trying to feel the feeling of the children in refugee, the children of the village of Balingkarang wrote the messages of love written in simple language. Message of love from Aceh for the Rohingnya.
These are two examples of short messages written by the children of Baling Karang village.
"Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
What news. Hopefully healthy friends are always Rohingya. Our son Balingkarang said to be patient. Hopefully the deeds of the people who abominable you in the reply of Allah SWT. I pray that you are healthy and then. Amiiin. Our Rohingya friends are all praying for all of you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Indah Amelia (14 years old, Grade 1 SMP)
Hi friends in Rohingya. You must be a spirit of learning well. We pray for you.
Roni Puja Andika (11 years, Grade 5 elementary School)