The role of education is very large as a better life support for human beings. Islamic religion itself puts education as the gate of all the ins and outs of regulation in life so that people know the way of life and live life, both related to our fellow man and in the form of human relations with the creator . Therefore, it clearly lies the importance of education for people.
But in certain groups of people, education seems to be an unimportant and neglected one. This of course happens because some people consider education to have absolutely no influence in their lives. Though it is obvious to make interactions in daily life, such as buying and selling, the signatures of important files, communication, even estimating a certain measure and size requires education. In addition, education can also be used as a fortress in the self so that a time when human beings living in foreign environment is not easily fooled and do not fool others.
Some other groups also consider education only enough to read the writing, so that the group who thinks it is not motivated to get a higher level of education. Even some parents view the finished elementary school is enough as the capital live in the community. Surely this is very wrong and it is necessary to give understanding so that the mindset does not continue to grow and rooted. This condition that was first happened in the village of Lapeng, Pulo Aceh, Aceh Besar. This condition is ongoing until today, continuing to roll without the end of the "World Disaster education" in this village.
Lapeng became one of the villages with a very concerned educational condition on the earth Serambi Mecca. Although the concern for their children's education is minimal, the parents in the village of Lapeng actually do not know the importance of education and the positive effect for their children. They know. Only the conditions seemed to choke them so impressed they did not pay attention to it. Indeed, the fact that there is not a single lapeng different that can penetrate the Bachelor degree, but does not mean they really do not care about the education for their children. Often come out of the mouths of the parents several factors that cause the number of dropouts of children in Lapeng village, both internal and external factors. However, the biggest obstacle, according to them, is the geographical condition of the village located next to the western side of North Breuh Island.
Lapeng can be said to be included in the category of remote villages, isolated and neglected among other villages in the district Pulo Aceh. Village entrance access is exacerbated with damaged road condition to be the main cause of Lapeng children can not continue the education of elementary school. As a result, it is possible to penetrate the world of education in the course, education at the first secondary school only is impossible for them. Ironically until now the condition is still ongoing and there is no solution to solve this problem. Every year, elementary school students who are attending SDN Lapeng are missing out on the way. They were not even aware of the fate of their education someday that was unedged. As the school year changed, the addition of ELEMENTARY schools were finally dismissal because they could not continue the education. Such conditions continue to be in every year.
Some parents are eager to have their children in the village, sometimes having to swallow a bitter dream. Because if you have to continue school it means that their children have to live alone in another village where they are attending. While the parents are not able to let their children live alone at their age who are still young as the end of elementary school. Parents are certainly worried if the children take care of their own lives at the age of children. As a result they did not want them to let their children work before their time.
"At least, dropouts don't let them add their parents ' burdens so it's best to start earning their own." Said Kak Treh, one of the mothers of ELEMENTARY school students in Lapeng who also has a child dropouts.
As with most parents, parents here also have hopes for the future of their children's education. They want to add teachers and give teachers who want to settle in this village so that their children can be educated to the fullest. During this time the teacher who teaches in the village of Lapeng only 4 teachers with a SIFT teaching clock system. Of the 4 teachers, who were only in charge of teaching only 2 people in a queue. Each teacher must enter 3 classes. Obviously this way will not provide effective teaching quality learning. In addition, they also hope to be very soon as possible to exit the village that has long been promised by the government soon to be realised. Because the road is considered as the source of the impediments of all public activities including the cause of the children to continue his education in Rinon village or Blang Situngkoh village where the first secondary school is located. They also want their kids to be intelligent like most other village children.
"We are stupid because there was no school, do not let our grandchildren also stupid". Said Nek Mi, one of the elders of the Gampongs Lapeng. With the statement of Nek Mi, Mak Nen, one of the elders of the village of Lapeng expressed,
"Who does not want his children to be smart and high school, do not like us parents who are stupid because they did not attend school. But what would be said the Economic Community, the road that is not made, so inevitably we do not have the power to continue the education of our children. "
A very heart-wrenching irony sees the future conditions of the children in the Lapeng who are not necessarily directions. Can only hope a little light comes illuminating the dark fog that has been enveloping the world of their education.
Author: Nanda R