After going through various orientation processes, finally the long-awaited time came. We were divided into 2 teams to 2 different destinations, namely the Lapeng Pulo Aceh team and the Aceh Tamiang Baling Karang team. I got a share to Baling Karang.
On October 2, 2020, on Friday night, we were dispatched to the placement. Various obstacles in transportation and weather made us arrive at Baling Karang village after 2 days of arriving in the city of Aceh Tamiang. After passing through a muddy road to knee length added with deep holes in the middle of the road. Drizzle rain sometimes flushed outside, over hills and inclines which I think are steep due to the slippery mud. An adrenaline-packed ride. Arriving at the village after crossing the river, we were immediately greeted by Bu Datok warmly at this small pier.
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Baling Karang, a village at the end of Aceh Tamiang. Here I started my stories, a magical country with all its beauty. I would learn many new things; forging oneself, the first place to process to become a better human being, and hopefully it was useful for others. I came with all the flaws to study.
Monday, October 5, 2020 was my first day living in a placement village. This was the first day of my transition in the village to adapt to the new environment, society, and my study friends here. Most of the people in this village are of Gayo ethnicity, who were very full of family values and honor guests. During my transitional period, I found good people who always smiled and greeted me in a friendly manner, met little friends who were very enthusiastic about welcoming us as study partners. The first day of learning was very fun because the children were very enthusiastic.
The happiness of the first day continued to this day. My little friends are very happy because they could decorate the library with their collective work, even though they are still young, the enthusiasm is very extraordinary. On every trip, Allah will always offer luxurious things from different sides even though in a simple way. During this trip, one of the things that inspired me to continue doing small, useful things was the children. I saw in them the spirit of the little flames of change. Their smile is my passion. I believe Allah is preparing other joys.
written by Mina