Story Telling Competition
Judges: Siti Nurhidaya, Nanda Rahmad
Terms and Conditions:
- Participants are domiciled in Aceh
- Category 1: 9-12 years old
- Category 2: 13-16 years old
- the work of personal (original)
- The work has never been published
- The work does not contain (the context of conflict), Pornography and Plagiarism)
- Videos are 5 minutes long
- the video format is portrait
- The sound must be clear
- Video is interesting as possible
- Participants only can submit one work
- submission Format: Category; Name_Age_Address
example of submission: Cerpen; Yuni_13_Banda Aceh
submit to:
- By participating in this participants have read, understood and agreed to the terms and the conditions of this competition
- 3R is freed from all the charges if the included work is the result of piracy the rights of other intellectual property
- The terms and the conditions may change at any time, please pay attention to the update or notifications via IG @rumahrelawanremaja or the web:
- The jury’s decision is final and cannot be contested
- Winners will be contacted by the organizer
- The prize will be processed in 30 days after the announcement of the winners
- The organizer has the right to change the winners if violation of terms and conditions happened
- Please confirm to the listed contact after the work is submitted
- My Dear Village
- Registration: June 8-14, 2020
- Submission: June 8-21, 2020
- Evaluation : June 22-30, 2020
- Announcement: At The Peak Day of Events/ July 5, 2020 (Through Live Instagram of 3R, Instagram posts, E-mail)
School Package + Certificate + Certificate of Merit + Works publish in 3R Accounts
Contact Us
0822 7958 4692 (Kasumah)
0852 7730 2099 (Nanda)