Ramadhan Sharing in The Midst of Pandemic and Rain 


What is it that could lit up a fire within oneself? Many things, but one of them is a good energy that persists. The good energy could be realized even with doing small and simple. Take sharing for instance, even when condition emerges as unfavorable, it still doesn’t affect sharing from going on.

Sharing is what we are trying to emphasize here, even when the rains were pouring and the COVID-19 pandemic was still swarming our country. Our activity of sharing was fairly modest. We held a distribution of Iftar meals for the orphans residing in the Village of Lam Lumpu, Aceh Besar Regency. The activity falls into sequences, we initiated it with groceries shopping, then we split the tasks for the food processing activity, once finished we put the meals in boxes and using the rickshaw of our possession, we moved to hand out the meals.

Despite giving a modest impression, we were running the activity with great joy. The entire cooking process was sparked with laughter and joking. 

Around 3 PM West Indonesia Time, our team was accompanied by the mothers PKK members of Lam Lumpu Village to visit the houses that were in our lists (Monday, 11/5).

The orphans’ meals giveaway is one of 3R annual Ramadhan Sharing activities that is held throughout the Holy Month of Ramadhan. Usually, we organize our hospitality event, Break Fasting Together, by inviting the local people of Lam Lumpu Village as well as the networking community of 3R.  But, with COVID-19 pandemic still hold out, this year Break Fasting Together is written off our agenda. However, there are still a lot of good things we could carry out. And it is in order to convince us that through sharing, the good energy will always turn vivid!

 Written by Rahmiana Rahman

Translated by Priscillia Sharon

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