The extra class is one of programs held by Rumah Relawan Remaja (3R). The extra class is open for secondary school students. The program is also called 3R Reading Club. The main activity of this class is book reviewing. But the other activities are also available upon requests.
This month’s extra class included other activities than book reviews. Ray, Sultanah, Dinda, Novi, Yuri, Sur are the high school students that are facilitated with computers. Each of the Reading Club participants made a review of the book they have read in the past couple of weeks or have recently finished. There was a short discussion in regard to the book as well. Further, they were trained to operate the computer especially the Microsoft Word software. This is highly important as the IT course is no longer included in the classroom teaching nor the curriculum.
“I am really glad to be part of this extra class and to be able to gain some exposure to computer skills. Before this, I was not even acquainted with the computers or laptops, but now I can work with them,” stated Novi, one of the grade 10 students.
This is not the only class in which we organized the additional program. Prior to this, we were covering activities such as English, writing as well as the art class. The activities were carried out in an entertaining way. For example, when the English class was conducted under the theme “Kitchen”, the students were brought to the 3R Kitchen. They were introduced to a number of cooking utensils in English. To help the students memorize the words, they were asked to put the written sticker on each of the cooking appliances. Aside from that, we also had a cooking session together and celebrated our break by going to Lhoknga Beach.
We are hoping that we will always have the opportunity to facilitate the learning for the secondary students in an exciting way and not a rigid one.
We are also hoping that the activities we developed in 3R will be beneficial for each of the Reading Club participants. Therefore, 3R could serve as a facilitator to help people develop their talents.
Written by Dinda Triani
Translated by Priscillia Sharon